From maths theorems to avoiding gambler’s fallacies – casino books can enrich the lives of any gambler. After a century of rigorous pursuit, it seems the final word hasn’t been said about the subject.
We all know of gambling as one of the most exciting forms of entertainment in the world. And for many, that’s the way it stays. But today, more and more people are trying gambling as a serious pursuit, especially on the internet. And this is where the best casino gambling books comes in.
In the gambling world, there are so many different types of literature, it can be hard to know where to begin! Before you delve into the subject yourself, think about what direction you want to take:
- The maths genius: Trying to understand what’s possible through maths. These types of books are most useful for casino games that are based on statistics – betting, first and foremost. But roulette, blackjack and other traditional games can be improved by understanding the probabilities.
- The memoir gentleman: Learning from a lifetime of experience can be useful for understanding the social environment of the casino, and avoiding common mistakes. Memoirs from famous gamblers are useful no matter the type of gambling, but the best stories are definitely from the poker players.
- The life improvement guru: Using a mix of experiences, pop psychology and often a fair bit of easy to understand science, these books seek to make you a healthier gambler. Often with a vision of making you a better gambler by understanding yourself better.
Of course, you can also dive into straight informative books that simply explain the many different games and how to play them, as well as a few basic strategies to win more consistently. There are also a lot of fiction books that focus on gambling, and even if they’re not as informative they certainly make you more excited about gambling.
Do Casino Books Also Mention New Casino Brands?
Majority of brand new online casinos are only reviewed online, but there might be some books that are focusing on reviews also. However, our team has not spotted any of these kinds of books and there is a pretty simple explanation to that. New online casinos are evolving all the time as we speak. More new casinos are being launched on a monthly basis and the speed of every change is more than many of us can even comprehend. It would be a complete waste of time to include casino reviews to books about gambling, as all the data would most likely be already old once the book is actually finished and found at the book stores and libraries.
If you are looking for casino reviews you can easily find them online. If however, you are looking literature about gambling, keep on reading!
Best Casino Gambling Books Recommendations
- Burning the Tables in Las Vegas: Keys to Success in Blackjack and in Life By Ian Andersen
If you’re looking for proven ways to make money off of blackjack, this is it. Unfortunately, in the case of this book, it means counting cards or other types of advantage play. By necessity, Ian Andersen therefore remains a mystery to the gambling world.
The book is actually a sequel to Turning the Tables in Las Vegas, which was hailed as a fresh new way to consider card counting and the social aspect of gambling. The sequel goes even further into what’s sometimes called social engineering – an almost spy-like dedication to disguises, bonding with dealers, subterfuge and misdirection.
If you like your facts interspersed with humorous anecdotes and life lessons, this is the book for you. And if you’re willing to try winning by employing the grey area of legality, that is.
- Gambler’s Fight Back: A Professional Gambler’s Journey of How to Survive and Thrive in the Casino By Greg Elder
If you’ve spent any time reading about gambling online, you might have come across Greg Elder. He’s written several books on both gambling and the industry as a whole, and is often asked for comments by media companies. You can even find him giving expert answers on forums.
This book is for those who wonders if they have what it takes to be a professional gambler beyond just the knowledge and skills. What it’s like to live every day with a goal in mind and to work in the sometimes chaotic environment of the casino. How to cope with the fact that gambling as a job loses a fair bit of glamour along the way.
Because the book goes into the life Greg Elder had to lead to get to a professional level, it can be useful far beyond gambling itself. But for a gambler, it is an essential guide through the highs and lows.
- The Smart Money: How the World’s Best Sports Bettors Beat the Bookies Out of Millions By Michael Konik
Sports betting is one of the most exciting areas of gambling for the statistically minded. Betting at the top level requires a personality type similar to the highest level of stock trading, and can be just as lucrative. At the start of this book, however, Michael Konik is nothing more than an average gambler.
Since the book is from 2008, you might not get the newest techniques – especially now that machine learning and cutting-edge statistical analysis can be used by almost anyone – but you get to learn about some of the best approaches to betting. It could take you from beginner to expert, but also simply help you avoid losses.
The book is structured as an exciting story or journal, detailing the adventures Michael Konik goes through as an initiate taken under the wing of an expert bettor and the mysterious group known as “The Brain Trust”.
- Lay the Favourite: A Story About Gamblers By Beth Raymer
This crazy memoir might not give you the most valuable insights into how to better yourself as a gambler, but it is an amazing read. The story of how Beth Raymer went from waitress to professional bookie at a time where betting had to go increasingly underground.
Lay the Favourite is filled with interesting characters that are only exaggerated to a degree which is still believable. Even if it’s nonfiction, it still gives you an escape similar to a fantastical novel.
- Scarne’s New Complete Guide to Gambling By John Scarne
After the thrilling recommendations above, you might be interested in something with a bit more straight up knowledge. John Scarne’s new, but decidedly old guide to gambling is a great place to start when you’re a complete newbie.
The reason this guide from 1986 is still recommended is the vast perspective of its author. John Scarne has not only gambled enough for several lifetimes, he has worked with gambling at a government level, with top companies and the best gamblers.
Whether you want to learn from scratch or find out how to spot a cheater, this book will aid you in a well-written way. You can also find valuable ways to spot a good casino from a bad one.
- The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King: Inside the Richest Poker Game of All Time By Michael Craig
This is a must-read for poker players, as it shows the mindset of some of the richest players in the world. A group of poker players who can end up losing or winning millions in a single match makes for great stories, with details about hands and choices along the way.
Michael Craig’s story of the poker games set up by what was known as “The Corporation” came out around the time of the big internet poker boom, and has been known as an absolute classic since.
Honorary Mentions
- Video Poker for the Intelligent Beginner By Bob Dancer
A handy guide into the odd world of video poker, that makes a solid case for the possibility of getting consistent wins.
- Gambling 102: The Best Strategies for All Casino Games By Mike Shackleford
A straight-forward guide to all the classic games, complete with charts and stats.
- The Frugal Gambler By Jean Scott
How to be a successful gambler without ever stepping into the high stakes – perfect for casual gamblers.
- Blackbelt in Blackjack: Playing Blackjack as a Martial Art By Arnold Synder
If there is a way to beat the dealer in blackjack without card counting or cheating, you’ll find it in this book.